Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Thousand Words

My Review!
Jack McCall, a rich, famous agent, doesn't understand the value of relationships until a sacred Bhoddhi tree turns his whole life around. With every word he says, a leaf falls off the tree. Dr. Sinja, a spiritual guru, who was Jack's client, has heard a story similar to the problem he was facing and told Jack that when the all the tree's leaves are gone, he will die-or so he thinks. Silence is golden. Unfortunately Jack learns this lesson the hard way. With hand gestures, wind up dolls, and expressions, Jack tries to convey what he feels or wants to say. People obviously don't understand and start mistaking his actions. Jack's life spirals out of control as he looses his job, his family, everything. There is only one solution to his problem: to mend all relationships with only a thousand words, which is nearly impossible. Jack tries everything. He donates to charities, feeds the poor, and is nice to everyone, but there is one relationship that is very important and holds the answer to everything. Forgiveness. Jack forgives his dead father for leaving him and realizes that there is no point being mad over anything because you should make the most out of life and fill it with happiness.
I enjoyed watching this comedy because it definitely taught me a lesson and was really funny. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone 8 years +, because anyone younger won't really understand the movie. I rate this movie 3/5 stars, it is a great family movie and only 1:30 hours, that's why my review's short =) Words may be important, but actions are more important.
    Directed by Brian Robbins
    Starring: Eddie Murphy
    & Kerry Washington


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